
CIS Contractor

You’ve finished a contract and it’s time to pay your CIS Sub contractor, how much do you have to deduct for CIS? Has the subcontractor put the right amounts on the invoice? Has the VAT reverse charge been calculated properly? What parts of the invoice need to have deductions and when do you have to pay it over to HMRC? It’s easy to get CIS wrong so why not let NGR Accountancy’s professional accountants take care of it for you.

As a CIS contractor you have to file a monthly return within a couple of weeks of the end of the month, this means finding time to put all the information together, pay the subcontractors, verify they are registered for CIS then you have to prepare the return file it and make sure HMRC are paid on time. When you are on NGR Accountancy’s subscription service all you have to do is pass us the paperwork and we’ll put it all together and file it for you then let you know exactly what you have to pay each month. All the stress removed for only an additional £10 per month on top of the standard bookkeeping cost.

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